The DGM Fleet
For well over half a century, orange trucks with royal blue lettering have been a commonplace sight in Daytona Beach and surrounding areas. The company Don Meyer worked for from 1952 until it was sold in 1986—D.W. Browning—used the distinctive orange/blue color scheme on their trucks. When D. G. Meyer Inc. became a reality, Don decided to use that same color combination. Not only as a salute to the company that got him started in the AC and Sheet Metal industry— he shrewdly realized that the orange and blue was not only distinctive, but eye-catching and memorable.
Orange & Blue… Through the Years!
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The trucks and vehicles of D.G. Meyer Inc. are memorable indeed, almost iconic in the town where Don Meyer grew up and worked for his entire life. Not many native Daytonans would fail to recognize these trucks that have been such a part of life here.
There have been many changes over the years, from panel trucks to stake body tucks, step vans to pick-up trucks— D. G. Meyer has used a variety of vehicles to get the job done. Today, when you see one of these familiar orange and blue vehicles, it is often sporting a graphic wrap like the one pictured on a van below.
Like the graphic style on our company vehicles, the size and type of vehicles have also changed with the times. Quite a few of the fleet, particularly service vehicles, are now Ford Transit Vans. With a more streamlined and compact silhouette, they are more economical and practical than many of the larger and less maneuverable vans and trucks of the past. D. G. Meyer has also started using Nissan’s versatile Cargo Van.

Thirty Years of DGM Orange & Blue
D.G. Meyer Inc. is celebrating its 30th Anniversary in 2017!
The present day Orange & Blue fleet numbers 30 vehicles. As you drive around Daytona Beach and Central Florida, you will not only see these familiar trucks and vans going about their business on the roadways and highways, but you may also notice our Construction Trailers and Signs at many job sites.
We hope you allow us to serve you for another 30 years!