Spring Fever in Daytona Beach

Race Cars and  Motorcycles—Spring Breakers and Snowbirds It might be late winter in most of the country, but in Central Florida we can start calling it Spring from anytime in Mid-January through May. It is a changeable season here, and this year saw our coldest weather in years. But the cold never lingers for too long before sunny skies and balmy breezes herald the coming Spring. We had an early interval of very warm temperatures, […]

D.G. Meyer Construction News

DGM Winter Job Update As we move through the half-way point of our Florida winter with it’s on again-off again bouts of cool and blustery weather, and large influx of snow-birds and race fans, construction in the area is still going strong. D.G. Meyer Inc. has been kept busy on a number of Commercial projects in the area. The Environmental Discovery Center in the Central Park area on Division Avenue, with its building designed to […]